Sunday 21 June 2015


Today's highlight must be Ana Maria's ability to finish this long day's trek without any problems with her foot. She has been treating the foot with ice twice a day, plus a strong anti-inflammatory cream. At the same time she has been tying her boot a different way which avoids putting any pressure on the top of the boot. This combination appears to be working.

We started with the intention of seeing how we went and with a couple of options of cutting the trek short. In the end this was not necessary and we went through village after village with me saying "how's the foot - shall we stop" and Ana Maria saying "the foot is better than ever, let's carry on" and this is how it went, even after two stiff climbs. We went through Mombuey, Valderemilla, Cernadilla, San Salvador de Pozuelo (where we stayed the night in 2010), Entrepeñas and Asturianos. On the approach to Asturianos, the route has been changed from that shown on the guide, due to the building of several new roads, and in the end the planned 25kms turned into 28kms. Job well done!

The Albergue in Asturianos (a small village) is five years old and takes 6 people. At the time of writing we are only three. It is situated on the outskirts of the village in a very tranquil spot. After a good lunch and the odd beer and a few glasses of wine, we are ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to play it safe and will only do some 15 kilometres, stopping in Puebla de Sanabria, which is a beautiful town in which we also stayed five years ago.

Apart from a few short walks on roads, most of the trek was cross-country, with a couple of very strong climbs which rather took the wind out of our sails for a while! A very enjoyable day!

1 comment:

  1. Great news about Ana Maria's foot!! Well done you two😃😃
