Our experience last night of having our rucksacks rifled and one communications item stolen has been rather demoralising. We will be wary of staying at Polideportivos in future although we have been assured here in Roda today that the one in LA Gineta has a bit of a reputation! I wish someone had told us beforehand!
Anyway, today in sharp contrast to yestErday we have been warmly welcomed in Roda by two members of the local Camino de Santiago Association and we are staying at their Albergue which is in the infirmary of the local bullring! I have already taken a bow in the middle of the bullring in true Toreador fashion!
We started late today as we needed to speak to the Local Ayuntamiento officials, who were unobtainable last night. Not surprisingly they were not available this morning either. Oh well, we will chalk this up to experience. A lot of zigzagging across fields today, a long stretch on an old Roman road, walking along the biggest peach "orchard" I have ever seen and never-ending straight paths. Our highlight today was meeting Carmen near Roda, who was out exercising her pet sheep. She told us she has 9 children who all keep in touch with her practically every day. She seemed lonely and wanted to talk incessantly. After about fifteen or twenty minutes we went on our way!
Roda is famous for its puff pastry "Miguelitos" filled with cream, a couple of which we have just devoured. Yummee!
Ana Maria's blister is still proving troublesome and I sense she is in a lot more pain than she is letting on. She is a tough one, my wife!
This evening we have been joined by two Italian pilgrims who have walked all the way from Albacete via a slightly different route to ours, nearly 40kms, all in one go! Tomorrow we leave for Minaya about 20km. More than enough for us!
Hoy salimos tarde porque teníamos que pasar por el ayuntamiento para dejar la llave y dejar constancia de lo que ocurrió ayer. Estaba cerrado y dejamos la llave y una nota con la dueña del bar donde desayunamos.
El camino fue por campos interminables. Lo más interesante fue charlar con Carmen, una pastora con su oveja mascota!
El albergue está situado en la enfermería de la antigua Plaza de Toros. Una habitación cómoda con tres camas, mesa y sillas y el uso de un baño con buena ducha de agua caliente. Nos revivió, buenísimo!
Esta tarde hubo una procesión a la iglesia. Lindo de ver pasar a niños y mayores con trajes típicos de la región llevando ofrendas de flores a la virgen. Mañana a Minaya...
So sorry to hear about your bags being rifled Robert. What an awful feeling!! Hope Ana Marie's blisters don't get any worse, although walking 40 K can't be helping!!