Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Today was pretty uneventful. Again an early morning start, with breakfast (our usual Tostada con aceite and coffee) at 06:15 in a local bar. As we left the village we passed by the side of the Laguna de Petrola, a bird sanctuary where in the distance we spotted a flock of flamingos! The setting was truly beautiful and it brought home to us one of the joys of the Camino, the countryside!

The path was again quite stoney and the odd passing tractor threw up large dust clouds. This time there were no vineyards to admire but ploughed field after ploughed field. The last seven kilometres or so were on the road where we enjoyed a couple of very welcome showers, to cool us down. We also took advantage of the km markers on the road to test the accuracy of our step counter. Seems to be working ok!

We are now in the EL PEÑÓN (The Rock!) Hostal and Restaurant where we will spend the night. For the first time in days we have a reasonably strong WiFi signal and so have been able to catch up on our news. Thank you for the many who contacted us to make sure we were all right. We appreciate your concern. Please try to share our posts and if you haven't already done so please LIKE our Facebook page.

Tomorrow we leave for Albacete, where we will rest an extra day.

Pasamos por al lado de la gran laguna de Pétrola, de agua salobre. Hermoso amanecer escuchando a los pájaros y flamingos en la lejanía. Todos se concentran en el centro de la laguna donde hay una especie de isla. El camino de hoy no tenía dificultad aparte de las benditas piedras en varios kilómetros! Luego carretera, camino semi-asfaltado y finalmente carretera de acceso a Chinchilla. En carretera siempre caminando por el estrecho arcén. No mucho tráfico por suerte. Chinchilla tiene una parte antigua muy bonita, con una iglesia del siglo XIV, Sta María del Salvador, realizada en estilo mudejar, gótico, renacentista, barroco y neoclásico a través de los siglos. En el altar, la imagen de la Virgen de las Nieves de tan solo 25 cms de altura. Hay varios edificios antiguos señoriales de los siglos XV al XVIII. El pueblo está en lo alto de una colina, coronado por un castillo semi-derruido del siglo XVI, levantado sobre un antiguo alcanzar árabe. Hoy por primera vez lluvia a cántaros a partir de las 4pm! Esperemos que pare mañana cuando salimos para Albacete.

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