Wednesday, 20 May 2015


Hoy por primera vez hacía frío cuando salimos, sólo 8 C! Tuvimos que subir al pueblo de Chinchilla para buscar y encontrar la flecha amarilla que nos llevara de vuelta al Camino. Pasamos por una linda ermita a la salida de Chinchilla y luego cruzamos por puentes la autopista y dos veces las vías del tren (la antigua abandonada y la nueva del AVE) para retomar el sendero. El camino fue bastante monótono, bastante llano, sin polvo gracias a las fuertes lluvias de ayer, pedregoso en partes y sin paisajes memorables. La autovia a nuestra derecha por varios kms, lejana pero todavía visible y con su ruido de tráfico continuo. La entrada hasta el centro de Albacete larga y tediosa pero llegamos a la enorme catedral a tiempo para que nos sellaran la credencial, prueba de que completamos la etapa. Mañana día de descanso...


Left Chinchilla today at 06:45 after our usual tostadas con aceite. Didn't sleep very well last night. We were staying at a roadside truck stop and they stopped and started all through the night! Yesterday there were violent storms in this region although we managed to avoid most of it. Yesterday for example, on the road to Albacete there was a heavy hailstorm. Had we been caught in that it could have been very painful! Luckily the storms have passed but there has been a marked drop in temperature. It was decidedly chilly this morning as we set off. Our journey today was rather tedious, just a hard cross-country slog for just under six hours. I was glad when we reached our destination, the Cathedral in Albacete. Tomorrow we rest here to recover our strength and to replenish our stocks.

1 comment:

  1. Your night in the albergue does not sound like a typical Camino rest:-) wishing you better for tonight!!
